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“What will You Do?”

Hello, Happy Holidays! I appreciate all of you faithful followers of Reflect I hope that the New Year brings you plenty of Love & Peace. Life is very strange and so ironic at times. If I could suggest a New Year’s resolution to any of you, I would suggest that each day to try and reach out to the youth in one capacity or another. Whether, it is words of wisdom, or taking time out of your day to spend time with them, or just a moment of your time to just listen.

The holiday season can be tough to a lot of people. Let's not forget about the starving, the homeless, or the children in foster care, or the young juvenile lifers at various institutions throughout the country. Take a moment to just think what these young children are going through. Although, they are locked up for murder, there are plenty of studies that show that the human brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. Imagine what your mind was like at the ages of 12-17. Now imagine that you were sentenced to life in the penitentiary at that age. These young men that society has labeled "killers" are still coping with what they've done, and then having the weight of reality settling in, Life! The strongest word for any child to hear, and it is a word that so many children take for granted. It is a word that has had no purpose or direction for many of the children who find themselves in these types of situations. Many of these children don't even begin to understand, let alone know, what the purpose of their life is; prior to a judge sentencing these youth quote “juveniles” to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

I myself have a New Year's Resolution. I will ask as many youth's as possible. What is the purpose of your life? I plan on giving advice and doing what I can, regardless of my situation to help them figure it out? What will you do?

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